Several eco oriented videos were posted to Youtube during the time. I did the editing in Final Cut Express and Premiere Pro as well as some of the shooting.
I am the creative director, designer, seam ripper and sewing star (we are all made of stars) of recycouture . I did the illustrations for the Species on the Verge and developed and the presented the Powerpoint lecture on sustainable fashion for the Women's Dept. at SCCC. Getting out the sustainable message that interlaces the environmental issues aka ecosysyem balance with cultural diversity, creative necessity, economic equity, social justice and physical, social and emotional health is important to me.
The industrial model born in the West and exported almost everywhere is proving to be a big mistake. Those with the courage to call it for what it is are rising up to tell the stories of another way of life. I believe we can consciously evolve, we have the knowledge to change the path all it takes is a little courage and the willingness to wear a lot of hats.
If you wish to know more, please email me at debbarnesusa via the hotmail tag.
I am looking for the most powerful, most flexible and most innovative video processors for video wall. Please give some good recommendations.